Dom Casmurro
Dom Casmurro (1899) is considered Assis's masterpiece of literary Realism, in which he expertly employs the technique of The Unreliable Narrator. It is a fictional memoir of a jealous, vengeful husband with many references to William Shakespeare's plays, rich in themes of betrayal and deception, such as The Merry Wives of Windsor Assis's novel was published in Portuguese in 1899; we used Google translate to offer it, so please excuse some awkwardness in the text, as the English translation (1953) is not yet in the public domain.
I - About the Title
II - About the Book
III - The Complaint
IV - A Most Loving Duty!
V - The Aggregate
VI - Uncle Cosme
VII - D. Gloria
VIII - It's Time
IX - An Opera
X - I Accept a Theory
XI - A Promise
XII - On the Balcony
XIII - CapitĂș
XIV - The Inscription
XV - Another Sudden Voice
XVI - The Interim Administrator
XVII - The Worms
XVIII - A Plan
XIX - Without Fail
XX - A Thousand Priest-ours and a Thousand Ave Marias
XXI - Before Justina
XXII - Feelings from Others
XXIII - Deadline Given
XXIV - Mother and Servant
XXV - The Promenade
XXVI - The Laws are Beautiful
XXVII - To the Gate
XXVIII - In the Street
XXIX - The Emperor
XXX - The Holy One
XXXI - The Curiosities of CapitĂș
XXXII - Hangover Eyes
XXXIII - The Hairstyle
XXXIV -I'm a Man!
XXXV - Apostolic Protonotary
XXXVI - Ideas Without Legs, Ideas Without Arms
XXXVII - The Soul is Full of Mysteries
XXXVIII - What a Scare, My God!
XXXIX - The Vocation
XL - One Mare
XLI - A Secret Audience
XLII - Reflecting Capitu
XLIII - Are You Afraid?
XLIV - The First Child
XLV - Shake Your Head, Reader
XLVI - Peace
XLVII - "You Left"
XLVIII - Oath of the Well
XLIX - A Candle to the Sabbados
L - A Middle Ground
LI - Between Light and Twinkle
LII - Old Padua
LIII - On My Way
LIV - Panegyrico of Santa Maria
LV - A Sonnet
LVI - A Seminarian
LVII - Preparation
LVIII - The Treaty
LIX - You Live With a Good Memory
LX - Dear Opusculo
LXI - The Homer Vaccine
LXII - A Tip of the Lake
LXIII - Halves of a Dream
LXIV - An Idea and a Scruple
LXV - A Secret
LXVI - Intimacy
LXVIII - Let's Put Off Virtue
LXIX - The Mass
LXX - After Mass
LXXI - Escobar's Visit
LXXII - A Dramatic Change
LXXIII - The Rule
LXXIV - The Clasp
LXXV - The Despair
LXXVI - Explanation
LXXVII - Pleasure of Old Pains
LXXVIII - Secrecy for Secrets
LXXIX - Let's Go to the Chapter
LXXX - On to the Story
LXXXI - A Word
LXXXII - The Couch
LXXXIII - The Portrait
LXXXIV - Called
LXXXV - The Deceased
LXXXVI - Amai Boys!
LXXXVII - The Sege
LXXXVIII - An Honest Pretext
LXXXIX - The Refusal
XC - The Controversy
XCI - Find That Console
XCII - The Devil Is Not As Ugly As It Looks
XCIII - For a Deceased Friend
XCIV - Arithmetical Ideas
XCV - The Pope
XCVI - A Substitute
XCVII - The Exit
XCVIII - Five Years
XCIX - The Son Has the Father's Face
C - "You will be happy, Bentinho!"
CI - In the Sky
CII - Married
CIII - Happiness Has a Good Soul
CIV - The Pyramids
CV - The Arms
CVI - Ten Pounds Stirling
CVII - Jealous of the Sea
CIX - A Unique Child
CX - Childhood Traits
CXI - Count Up Quickly
CXII - The Imitations of Ezekiel
CXIII - Third Party Liens
CXIV - The Explanation
CXV - View Forum Posts
CXVI - Son of the Man
CXVII - Close Friends
CXVIII - The Hand of Sancha
CXIX - Do Not Do It, My Dear
CXX - The Cars
CXXI - The Catastrophe
CXXII - The Burial
CXXIII - Hangover Eyes
CXXIV - The Speech
CXXV - A Comparison
CXXVI - Scismando
CXXVII - The Barber
CXXVIII - Handful of Successes
CXXIX - To D. Sancha
CXXX - One Day
CXXXI - Before the Previous
CXXXII - The Beginning and the Details
CXXXIV - Saturday
CXXXV - Othello
CXXXVI - The Coffee Bean
CXXXVII - The Second Impulse
CXXXVIII - Capitu Enters
CXXXIX - A Photograph
CXL - Back from the Church
CXLI - The Solution
CXLII - A Saint
CXLIII - The Last Superlative
CXLIV - A Late Question
CXLV - The Return
CXLVI - There Was No Leprosy
CXLVII - Retrospective
CXLVIII - Well, What About the Rest?