A picture for the play Othello


The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice (1622) is Shakespeare's tragedy about the downfall of Othello. Lago, a deceitful, devious ensign in the Venitian Army, is bitter about being passed over for promotion to lieutenant in favor of Cassio, so he sets out to get even. He fools Roderigo into thinking he served Othello, the general of Moor's Army, but his subsequent actions only serve himself and lead to the king's demise. Othello is convinced to murder his wife, and it's all downhill from there.

Charles West Cope, Shakespeare's Othello, Act 1, Scene III, 1868

Dramatis Personae

ACT 1. SCENE I. Venice. A street.

ACT 1. SCENE II. Another street.

ACT 1. SCENE III. A council-chamber.

ACT 2. SCENE I. A Sea-port in Cyprus. An open place near the quay.

ACT 2. SCENE II. A street.

ACT 2. SCENE III. A hall in the castle.

ACT 3. SCENE I. Before the castle.

ACT 3. SCENE II. A room in the castle.

ACT 3. SCENE III. The garden of the castle.

ACT 3. SCENE IV. Before the castle.

ACT 4. SCENE I. Cyprus. Before the castle.

ACT 4. SCENE II. A room in the castle.

ACT 4. SCENE III. Another room In the castle.

ACT 5. SCENE I. Cyprus. A street.

ACT 5. SCENE II. A bedchamber in the castle: Desdemona in bed asleep; a light burning.

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